News and stories from the Five Galaxies.

It’s a new year, new dawn, new dimension – you know the drill.
For those in the know, we’ve been working on a new brand identity and upgrading our offerings. We are thrilled to share that we have finally completed our brand (well, enough of it anyway) and we now have a whole new look!
The transition from a community of nations to an interstellar empire began in 2033 when several private and multi-national organizations collaborated to establish a colony on Mars. Under the United Nations treaty [1], the Mars colony was to be governed by a United Nations official. Undersecretary Simon Aldersgate was the first chief administrator of the settlement.
Stelltron Corporation was by an order of magnitude, the largest corporation in the Estra galaxy, providing a vast array of products and services. The majority of their business was interstellar trade and shipbuilding. Their shipyards supplied untold numbers of merchant ships and warships to the governments, businesses, and the renegades of Estra.
The Amgawert were not the architects of their own destiny. They did not claw their way to sentience through millions of years of natural evolution. Instead, they were sculpted—designed, altered, and accelerated by the Borthans.
The Borthan uplift program was ambitious, an experiment in controlled evolution. The Borthans, a species of methodical strategists, sought to create loyal vassal civilizations—beings who could expand their reach and enforce their will across the stars. Wert 6 was chosen as one such testing ground.
It’s a new year, new dawn, new dimension – you know the drill.
For those in the know, we’ve been working on a new brand identity and upgrading our offerings. We are thrilled to share that we have finally completed our brand (well, enough of it anyway) and we now have a whole new look!
The Radnians developed hyperjump technology in 4726 RC (Radnian Calendar), grew over the course of centuries into the massive Radnian Empire, stretching across the Five Galaxies in which millions of cultures merged into a single, human-dominated civilization.
The Naplian Empire was arguably the greatest political and military entity in the galaxy since the ancient Radnians. While the Rutak Empire encompasses more starsystems, Naplias military, and economic power were unrivaled until the appearance of the cybernetics.
The transition from a community of nations to an interstellar empire began in 2033 when several private and multi-national organizations collaborated to establish a colony on Mars. Under the United Nations treaty [1], the Mars colony was to be governed by a United Nations official. Undersecretary Simon Aldersgate was the first chief administrator of the settlement.
The Cathedral of Attra and the Great Citadel of Fantatoul were founded in the eastern Martian provinces by the recently retired General Kossa in 2069 to provide places of worship for the faithful and the newly converted. The cathedrals acted as places of worship and civic centers. In time they would each become the centers of the two major Ammanian factions, the 'peace party' of Attra, or the Attrans, and the 'hawks' of Fantatoul or the 'Tatou.'
In 2595, a group of Aparatic Monks formed a sect that created a doctrine that because all life is sacred, the enhancement of life forms is a godly work. It was called the Doctrine of Physical Manifestation. It held that God will manifest his kingdom in the physical universe at a future point in time and that the kingdom of God can only be manifested in the physical world by perfecting the bodies that human souls inhabit. This belief was not part of mainstream Aparatic doctrine and was considered heretical.
Although a factional rebellion pushed the Ammanians out temporarily, the population preferred the Ammanians to the Terrans and welcomed a renewed diplomatic effort that left Mars entirely in Ammanian hands by 2112.
The men and women who became the original Truppen did not do so voluntarily. The Aparatic Enhancement Project subjects had consented to be part of the Aparatic Makers’ heretical experiments to enhance and extend life.
The Call Moon and Hiana mutinies were insurrections by android crews of the Terran Navy in 2635. There were minor incidents on ships in other star systems in the same year. The revolts differed in character: while the Call Moon mutiny was similar to a strike, with limited violence, the Hiana mutiny was more violent.
Stelltron Corporation was by an order of magnitude, the largest corporation in the Estra galaxy, providing a vast array of products and services. The majority of their business was interstellar trade and shipbuilding. Their shipyards supplied untold numbers of merchant ships and warships to the governments, businesses, and the renegades of Estra.
The Amgawert were not the architects of their own destiny. They did not claw their way to sentience through millions of years of natural evolution. Instead, they were sculpted—designed, altered, and accelerated by the Borthans.
The Borthan uplift program was ambitious, an experiment in controlled evolution. The Borthans, a species of methodical strategists, sought to create loyal vassal civilizations—beings who could expand their reach and enforce their will across the stars. Wert 6 was chosen as one such testing ground.