Last Run of the Ice Duchess




Bern Ober is on a mission to the Distan Colonies to gather support for the Northern Alliance. If he’s caught, a dozen factions, especially the Terran Republic will pay a small fortune to get their hands on him.

Soon after Bern Ober arrives, Lady Fortini, a Terran socialite, and a wiley spymaster hires a reluctant smuggler to transport an important package. Captain Veronik Ayres, her starship, the Ice Duchess, and her intrepid crew run a Terran blockade of warships and reach the Evron star system. But getting there is easier than getting back. To do that, the Ice Duchess must slip past the alerted Terran blockade or risk everything to traverse the Lotharian stellar coast.

Your journey to another world begins here!

The audio book

Ammanian Origins


Great sci fi adventure. But this universe and this book are dark. The characters and story are interesting, the pirates are evil, and I liked Veronik and Berne. I would enjoy a sequel to Ice Duchess.


Available in Kindle edition, Paperback, and as an Audible audiobook on Amazon.



For God and Mars